Mission-Driven Unity: Forging Strength Through Purpose

Embedded within our unit is a culture that thrives on the dual pursuits of honing skills through relentless and rigorous training, and executing missions with unparalleled precision. Our overarching goal is to weave a tight-knit community of operators, united by a fervent and unwavering dedication to excellence in the virtual combat arena. This camaraderie is fueled by our collective desire to push the boundaries of conventional training, embracing innovative and developmental methods that propel both individual growth and cohesive, synchronized teamwork. This camaraderie is fueled by our collective desire to push the boundaries of conventional training, embracing innovative and developmental methods that propel both individual growth and cohesive, synchronized teamwork.

Unit Schedule

Training exercises, operational deployments, and officially scheduled events are conducted every Friday and Saturday, promptly commencing at 1900 hours in strict adherence to UTC-05:00, Central Standard Time.

Sine Pari

“Sine Pari – Without Equal” embodies Delta Force’s pursuit of unmatched excellence and capability in special operations, symbolizing their commitment to superior training, skill, and mission execution

Building Excellence Through Dedication

We welcome individuals from all backgrounds, whether seasoned veterans or eager newcomers, who embody our unit’s values and ethos. We seek skilled, knowledgeable members committed to teamwork, discipline, and continuous improvement, aged 18 or older, fluent in English, and passionate about military simulation and leadership.

While members are encouraged to engage with other groups, active participation in unit events is crucial. Prioritizing unit activities maintains cohesion and operational effectiveness. Regular involvement in scheduled activities is essential.

We understand life outside the virtual combat arena can be demanding; occasional absences are inevitable. However, prolonged inactivity due to external commitments may lead to reassessment of membership status. Our goal is a dynamic, engaged community committed to excellence and mutual support.

Combat Specialty Pipelines

CAG operators, 160th SOAR pilots, and 24th STS Combat Controllers are elite members of U.S. Special Operations Command, each playing a crucial role in executing high-risk, complex missions. CAG, specializing in counter-terrorism and direct-action operations, often conducts missions deep behind enemy lines to neutralize threats and gather intelligence. Complementing their ground operations, 160th SOAR pilots—known as “Night Stalkers”—provide critical air support, flying advanced helicopters in challenging conditions to insert, extract, and resupply special forces. Meanwhile, 24th STS Combat Controllers integrate air power with ground operations, directing air traffic, coordinating precision strikes, and establishing landing zones in hostile environments. Together, these highly trained professionals form a cohesive force, capable of executing the most demanding missions with precision and efficiency.


At the forefront of 2 Troop, MAJ James Mitchell serves as the Troop Commander, renowned for his strategic vision and commitment to excellence. With extensive special operations experience, he emphasizes adaptability and innovation in mission planning, ensuring his troops are always prepared for the complexities of modern warfare. Supporting him is SGM Neil Stanley, the Troop Sergeant Major, who plays a vital role in maintaining troop morale and readiness through hands-on mentorship and training.

CW4 John Reeding, the 160th SOAR Detachment Commander, brings his expertise in aviation operations, fostering a culture of teamwork and high standards among the Night Stalkers. Meanwhile, CMSgt Travis Conway, the TACP Senior Enlisted from the 24th STS, enhances air-ground integration by forging strong relationships between air and ground units to boost coordination during complex operations. Together, this leadership team exemplifies the core values of their overarching command unit, USASOC HQ, driving 2 Troop toward excellence in executing some of the most challenging missions in the U.S. military.

MAJ James Mitchell

2 Troop Commander - USASOC HQ

SGM Neil Stanley

2 Troop Sergeant Major - USASOC HQ

CW4 John Reeding

Detachment Commander - 160th SOAR

CMSgt Travis Conway

TACP Senior Enlisted - 24th STS